Epoxy flow applied flooring coatings are one of the most popular flooring choices among a broad array of commercial and industrial applications. From commercial kitchens to pharmaceutical research laboratory services, there’s an epoxy flooring alternative that can accommodate even the most challenging number of demands. The question that this article aims to answer is, why do so many industries rely heavily on Flow Applied Flooring.
It Provides A Smooth, Easy To Clean Surface
Resin flooring creates a surface that’s completely smooth and seamless. Since epoxy can be utilised as a coating on top of another flooring material, typically concrete, it won’t make openings; this makes it simple to clean, thus enabling the working environment to minimise to be hygienic and dust-free. In certain high-tech industries, like electronic equipment production, dissipation via electrostatic equipment is vital for the building’s floor surface.
High Chemical Resistance
Resin flooring is extremely durable, while not resistant to all aggressive by-products, it will be able to resist most types of cleaning materials extensively utilised in commercial and industrial facilities.
Affordable and Rapid Installation
Resin Flooring is a practical choice for lots of services. Contractors can apply the floor coating within a short amount of time; thus decreasing labour costs and restricting the impact it may have on a business’ downtime.
Many Design Choices
Unlike lots of flooring coating types, epoxy comes in a wide array of trends and colours to accommodate your interior design. It is possible to find colour options that genuinely impress visitors and customers. An example being, alloy combined epoxies which create stunning three-dimensional floor patterns which are commonly utilised in leading car showrooms to indicate the model name and aesthetic features. Flooring colours can also be used to differentiate between different facilities or identify walkways to individual departments; as found in hospitals.
Improve Workplace Health and Safety
Dependent on the form of coatings used, certain resin flow applied flooring is heat/fire resistant, impact resistant or may be slip resistant. The surface is designed to look shiny and smooth, but epoxy can be very safe to walk on; compared to other flooring solutions which can become easily damaged and thus present dangers within the workplace. Additionally, it’s safer for any office automobiles, like forklifts, as it provides additional grip for wheels and will not suffer from abrasion.
Brightness Options
If your facility suffers from difficulties with visibility, epoxy flow applied floor coatings will help with that. The resin material highlight light in an upwards direction, while other floor systems such as concrete tend to absorb light. Highly polished resin flooring can increase visible illumination in a facility by up to 30%.
Signature Resin Floors is a top floor coating business in Great Britain. They have engineered flooring for clients in a variety of sectors. Be confident to hire an experienced and highly-skilled flooring company when selecting a floor material intended for your facility. Signatures in Floors has many years of expertise in repairing, installing, designing and preserving resin floorings.