How are BEE 5 star rated ceiling fans different from ceiling fans?

fan is a machine used since olden the times as early as 500BCE (still in use) which is used to create a flow within a fluid. This fluid is usually a gas such as air. These machines namely fans consist of a rotating arrangement comprised of vanes or blades. These vanes or blades act on the fluid or the gas. Mostly these fans are electric-powered i.e. they are run by electric motors.

Thus electricity is the main factor that plays the role in operating this very useful machine. The current enters the circuit and the capacitor provides the starting torque to the fan to start rotating and the current enters the coil which is wrapped around the central core. This leads to electromagnetism and this generates a force which is in clockwise or anticlockwise direction (clockwise mostly) and the fan which is the casing of the coil taps into this rotation of the coil and rotates along with its blades which swipe through the air and with their slightly deviated orientation cut through the air at high speed and push the air forward or downward (the ceiling fan pushes downward) thus creating gusts of air or the characteristic breeze.

Thus electricity is the major element in consideration in fans and thus the less electrical energy they use the more efficient they are found to be and also they are less costly on the pockets of the user when used. This efficiency is determined by the BEE star rating.

BEE was a government initiative setup by Government of India on 1st March 2002. This was an undertaking, under the norms of Energy Conservation Act, 2001. BEE was started with a mission to study and create policies and develop strategies with a sole purpose and thrust on self-regulation and market principles to achieve energy efficiency.

BEE coordinates with government, industries, manufacturers and consumers and facilitates measures that are to be taken for conservation of energy.

The major functions of BEE top rated fans are as follows:

  • It has the work of setting up performance standards for appliances .they are also entrusted with the job of coming up with designs for the labeling scheme for the same.
  • They also help develop energy efficiency code for large establishments like buildings and Industries.
  • They also have the job to certify the Energy Managers and Energy Auditors who can further go on and perform energy audits.
  • They develop rules and regulation for energy consumption.

As it is stated above, BEE has the job to set the standards and design the label for marking the star-rating. These BEE star labelling help to a very great extent as shown in the below table


A regular ceiling fan is kept running for about 11-12 hours and if we compare the amount of electricity consumption and the subsequent difference in bill generated by a regular fan and a BEE 5- star fan. Then we will notice the difference how much better it is to use the fans which are BEE star rated.

BEE 5 star rated Fan

Normal Fan

Watt rating

50 W

75 W

Units Per Day (taking 11- 12 hours usage)



Units (in a month)



Units( in a year)



Cost in a year (when calculated at approx. Rs 5 a unit)



Best Ceiling Fans in India are from the brands which are listed below. This list has been prepared by careful study of the product and also the ratings from the customers.