10 Essential Tools Every Man Should Have In the Home


Thomas Carlyle, the great Scottish philosopher once said, “Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all.

Have you ever needed to fix something around the house only to discover that you don’t have the necessary tools to get it done? You’re not alone; this is the story of many men out there. When a crisis comes up and it’s time to show your DIY skills, it could be either you don’t have what is needed to get the job done, or you don’t know what to do.

Every man, regardless of race, religion and political inclination, must have a particular collection of tools at home. These tools can help you fix small leaks and cracks around the house, repair minor electrical faults, hang the new cupboard you just bought from IKEA and generally show the rest of the family that you are the man in the house.

To help you get started, here are 10 essential tools that should not be missing in your toolbox.

1. Hammer – A hammer is one of the most fundamental items every man should own. Incidentally, it is also the most frequently used. However, you’ll be surprised at the number of men who still walk across to the neighbor’s to borrow one when a hammer is needed around the home.

Whether you work with wood or not, no toolbox anywhere on earth is complete without at least one hammer. When you want to buy, get one that has a head on one end and a claw on the other. This can be very handy for driving in and pulling out nails. Luckily, a hammer is also one of the easiest items to buy anywhere.


2. Screwdrivers – Just like hammers, screwdrivers are a very essential part of any toolbox. There is a slight confusion when it comes to buying screwdrivers as they come in two varieties. You have the flat head screwdriver and the Phillips head screwdriver. Both of them are actually very important as they work for different screw types.


There are also screwdrivers that come with interchangeable heads, where you can swap the flat head for the Phillips head on one screwdriver. Most people prefer to have this type. Of course, it may be easier to simply hammer in the screw, but experts suggest that using a screwdriver prevents damage to both the screw and the wood you’re driving it into.


3. Tape measure or tape rule – Imagine trying to fix a new door in a frame and then suddenly discover you’d cut the board too small, or too big. When it’s time for cutting and joining, guesswork just doesn’t work. You have to get the measurements just right and no matter how sharp your eyes are, you cannot gauge the size you want by simply looking at it. This is where the measuring tape comes in. The good thing about measuring tape is you don’t need to be an expert to read one; at the very least, use it the same way you’d use a ruler.


4. Flashlight – A flashlight is more of an all purpose tool. You need one to illuminate your surroundings when it’s dark. For instance, if you need to fix a blown fuse, you’ll need a flashlight to give you illumination. Additionally, it can come in very handy when working in low light.

Flashlights are so essential that some people even keep a spare in the glove compartment of their car so they can quickly fix issues with their car on the go. When buying a flashlight, go for a high quality tactical flashlight, and not one you’ll need to replace every month.


5. Adjustable wrench – Everyone knows that scrambling around searching for the right socket size can be frustrating. You grab what you think is right but then found out you’re one size short. At the end of the day, you have about 5 or 6 spanners and socket tools lying around, yet none can do the job.

An adjustable wrench not only makes life easier, it also helps save hundreds of bucks you would have spent buying different socket sizes.


6. Zip or cable ties – As small as these items are, they can be a lifesaver when you need to hold stuff securely and safely. Cable ties can be used to do a lot of things around the house; from holding wires together, to keeping keys and similar tools together. At the very least, you can use it to put up the Christmas lights.


7. Safety glasses – No matter how simple the task you’re performing is, it is important to remember that you need to protect your body. A safety glass made off durable plastic will keep your eyes safe and offer protection from flying shrapnel and debris.

Even a very tiny sliver of wood can cause serious injury to your eyes; therefore it is important you have something in your toolbox you can use to safeguard your eyesight.


8. Allen wrench – Most people overlook the importance of this tool as a handy tool until they realize it’s the one last missing piece to complete a simple DIY job around the house. It’s best to buy an Allen wrench with a handle or one that comes in a pack, as they be easily misplaced due to their small size.

9. Duct tape – Having a duct tape around the house is very important. Imagine fixing an electrical unit without having duct tape to shield the different wires. That is simply an accident waiting to happen. You can use this item for a variety of purpose such as plugging small leaks and securing items.


10. Voltage meter – This item may very well save your life. Whether replacing a light bulb or changing a broken wall socket, use the voltage meter to test first check if there’s any runaway or loose voltage running through the metal parts you’re about to handle to be sure of adequate safety from electrical shocks or mishaps.