Tackling Spring Cleaning and Home Repairs

Every year, millions of homeowners across the country partake in the time-honored ritual of home improvement and cleaning. Many will be met with frustration, and others will find that their homes require much more than simply tidying the garage or repainting the fences. For many, spring cleaning brings with it the laborious efforts of repairing critical damages that their homes have suffered in the elements. While big ticket items can make up most of work to be done in the spring, many different issues can come up for homeowners, and each presents its own unique challenges.

Tackle Real, Nagging Issues

The first step in any large project is identifying the extent of the work that is needed. Sometimes, this requires minimal effort. But often your spring cleaning checklist will uncover more intimidating problems that cannot be put off. If you spot cracks in your walls, sunken concrete in the garage, or a gradually sagging floor, you may need to consider foundation repair of your home.

Containment of meaningful problems such as flood damage, crumbling foundations, and mold intrusion is not enough. These are significant issues that will only grow exponentially with time if they are not addressed when uncovered. Not only will serious home damage unnerve you, it also erodes the value of your home as well. Consequently, prospective sellers need to keep an eye out to maintain the value of the investment they hope to capitalize on in the near future. Just as there is no use in putting off major fixes, it’s also imprudent to try to tackle some repairs yourself. When you discover significant damage somewhere in your home, don’t hesitate. Call a professional and stop worrying about further destruction wrought by inaction.

Conquer Small Tasks, Too

Large problems aren’t the only issues that you should address during a thorough home improvement effort. Smaller objectives are important as well and help you gain momentum when facing down a to-do list a mile long.

Cleaning the grill of built-up grime or polishing television screens until the picture shines can contribute significantly to the accomplishment of your spring goals. Not only will they diminish the sheer size of your list of spring fixes, they contribute to immediate gratification. When you sit down to watch your favorite program at the end of the day, a fresh screen will fill you with the satisfaction of a job well done.

Break up Your List

Rather than creating a master list containing every task you home to accomplish this spring, create several. An outdoor only list will get you out into the garden to rework your sprinklers, renew your flower beds, and pressure-wash the pavement. What it won’t do is bring that filth back inside after you’ve just scrubbed the kitchen floor for hours.

If you are inclined to follow action items based on their positioning, breaking that list into areas of focus will help contain the mess of one section of your home to only that area. Furthermore, once you have completed one list, you can relish in the knowledge that that whole wing of your home has been fully revived. So finish those gritty, dirt-slinging outdoor tasks first, then move on to the next set knowing you won’t be tracking dirt in tomorrow.

Spring cleaning often looms large as a daunting task while winter comes to a close. But fear not, a few expedient steps can streamline this process and make your spring comforting, ushering in an easy, laid-back summer.