Reupholster Old Sofa or Buy New Sofa, Which One Should You Choose?


When your sofa doesn’t look pretty anymore or you simply want to revamp the look of your living room, you might feel confused to decide what you should do next. Should you reupholster your old sofa or simply buy a new one. Actually, there is no right or wrong in this matter and both options have their own pros and cons. To help you make the best decision, let’s review the advantages and disadvantages of the two options.

Reupholster Old Sofa

Many people prefer upholstering their new sofa to buying a new one because the former is much cheaper. Furthermore, it is easy to find professional reupholster sofa Dubai that can make your sofa looks brand new. While you can do the job by yourself if you have some DIY skill, It is best to hire a professional for better result.

Reupholstering old sofa is also more affordable because you only spend cost to buy a new upholstery and maybe repair some worn parts and replace the cushions. If the frame is still in a good condition, buying a new sofa will be a waste of money. Changing the upholstery is also a great option for those who frequently redecorate their living room. Sofa is one of the biggest furniture in the living room and sometimes it also becomes the focal point in the room. By simply changing the upholstery, you can give new vibe and atmosphere of the room without spending too much money.

Buy New Sofa

While reupholster sofa Dubai is cheap and easy, there are times when buying a new sofa will be a better decision. Reupholstering is basically changing the outer appearance of the sofa but the frame is still the same. Unfortunately, just like any furniture in your house, one day the frame of the sofa, the spring and the other components will be damaged. While it is cheap and easy to replace the parts and upholstery of the sofa, repairing the frame is much more expensive, not to mention that at one point, the frame might be broken beyond repair due to old age.

Buying a new sofa is also a better option when you are changing the footprint of your house, moving to a smaller house or simply want to give a total makeover to your living room. If changing the colour and pattern of the upholstery is not enough and you need a new sofa with different shape and size, then shopping for a new sofa is the only solution.


So, which one do you think will suit you? If you are on tight budget, refurbishing your old sofa will be the best decision. But you also have to pay attention to the condition of your sofa. If you simply need a new upholstery, the project will be very cheap. However, if the sofa is really worn that you have to replace and repair the parts, the cost of the refurbishing project can be very expensive. In this case, you might want to consider getting a new sofa instead.