The Most Common Epoxy Flooring Problems: Epoxy Floor

Epoxy flooring is a great way to not only beautify but also protect surfaces. Sadly, many property owners lack a maintenance culture. Not treating your epoxy flooring right can impact its appearance and texture. One of the most important things when considering epoxy coating services is to hire professional installers with proven skills and experience.

Epoxy flooring products can be tricky. Improper installation can result in many problems including epoxy floor blistering. Common signs of epoxy floor blistering include cracks, pinholes, and bubbles. This can be caused by many factors including exposure to the weather. When your curing resin is exposed to too much heat or cold, it could cause blisters.

Other common causes of epoxy floor blistering include

  • Improper mix ratio: An improperly mixed epoxy can create air bubbles in the mix. Your technician should mix the resin and hardener in the right mix ratio. The mix ratio varies from one product to another. The more reason why it is recommended that you hire only a professional installer.

  • Porous Surface: Applying epoxy on a porous surface gives room for air to find its way under your curing epoxy. While the air attempts to escape, the resin above traps it, resulting in epoxy floor blistering. As the epoxy hardens, the bubbles, craters, or pinholes become more obvious.

  • Rushed applications: Epoxy coating services require a professional touch. Not an ill-qualified technician who only wants to complete the task hastily so they can move on to another job. Rushed applications might leave your floor blistered. Each resin coat should be left to dry. Hasty job applications will most likely create air bubbles.

Epoxy floor blistering gives your newly finished floor a not-so-pleasant look. Pinholes make your floor vulnerable to moisture attacks, ultimately impacting the integrity of the concrete


You can avoid epoxy floor blistering by taking simple steps. Experts in epoxy coating services know exactly what to do with blisters or pinhole problems. One easy step is to buff the surface and prep it for a fresh new coating.

The first step is to secure the services of an expert technician. These professionals will perform the following service:

  • Make sure the concrete floors aren’t too smooth or porous

  • Use the right mix ratio

  • Take their time to complete the task

  • Work smartly on the job and quickly so the mix doesn’t cure before the application

At the end of the day, you will be glad about the result. You can easily tell the difference between professional epoxy coating services and a quack.

Keep in mind, epoxy is a tricky material. Many unqualified technicians who fell for the trick end up leaving your surface with all kinds of epoxy flooring problems including blistering. So always go with a professional technician. No matter the problem, professionals know exactly what to do.

Remember, some problems may be costlier to repair than replace. In this case, a professional may decide to remove the old epoxy and replace it with a completely new coating.