Home Improvement Tips for Spring

As we move into the spring heralded by the month of March, it’s important that you take a critical assessment of your home to be sure that you’re well prepared for the upcoming season. What may appear as minor problems can result to severe damages that can cost a lot to fix.  

Apart from damage to property, problems such as mold, if not fixed, can result in health complications. Here are a few home improvement tips that can improve your home’s functionality and beauty:

Inspect your roof –

It doesn’t matter what type of roof you have, shingles, tin or concrete, they are all susceptible to damage as a result of age and exposure to the elements.

“Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against water leakage” says Baltimore roofing specialist, Mike from Raven Home solutions. “Before spring is the right time to check your roof for leaks and carry out repairs if you find any.”

Having a roof that leaks is a cause for major concern. Even the smallest of leaks can cause damage worth thousands to your furniture, walls, insulation, attics and other parts of your house. Therefore, your first and possibly most important assignment is to examine your roof to see if any part of it was damaged during the winter.

What are you looking for? Missing shingles, curled or rusted flashing, cracks around the pipes, skylights and other obvious roof damage. Every roof has a number of years that makes up its lifespan; and granules in your gutter and any of the earlier mentioned signs are tip-offs that your roof is getting old. If you have an extremely old roof, it may be time to start considering a replacement.

Check gutters and downspouts –

Your gutter may have collected and accumulated debris during the winter and if not handled, this can cause damage to your home and property. Find a way to reach the gutters and downspout and check for blockage. If your gutters and downspouts are blocked, rainwater will not flow freely, and this can cause water to leak into the crawl space and basement.

Another thing to look out for is leaky gutters and downspouts. This can cause water to channel into the soil, which can affect your basement and the foundation of your property.

If your gutter or downspout is clogged, use a small shovel or trowel to scoop out the debris from the gutter. You can flush with water when you’re done to make sure that you get everything. If you notice damaged drainpipes or leaky seams, this is a sign your gutter needs replacement. You should get a professional to ensure that it’s done right. A good idea is to have a covered gutter system. This can drastically reduce on cleaning and maintenance.

Tune up your HVAC unit –

Your heating and cooling system should be looked at to ensure optimum performance during the spring. Have someone qualified clean and service your HVAC unit. This includes cleaning or changing the filters. Your filters should actually be changed on a regular basis, definitely more than once in a year.

A dirty filter puts pressure on your HVAC system, making it work harder than it should; and this will ultimately damage the system and cost you lots of money in repairs. If your HVAC system is well cleaned and properly serviced, it will serve you efficiently during the spring.

Work on your yard and sidewalks –

Winter’s temperature, combined with the different ice and snow treatment methods you use can damage your yard and asphalt. Cracks and depressions in your yard and asphalt can lead to accumulation of water which can cause ugly patches of muddy water or flooding. Now is a good time to pinpoint these areas you need to work on.

A tiny crack on your walkway can eventually expand into a large crack which not only defaces your property, but can open up into portholes which can cause personal injuries and damage to your vehicles. Fortunately, most of these cracks are quite easy to fix. One method is to fill up these areas with a mixture of sand and compost. Or you can engage the services of an expert to do a better work for you.

You should also pay some attention to your fence, gates and driveway to provide better curb appeal. You will save a lot of money if you fix these issues while they are still small, rather than waiting for disaster to occur.

Touch up your siding –

Inspect the siding and windows around your home for leaks or cracks. It is perfectly natural for your siding to get chipped or cracked as a result of the harsh winter weather; or maybe it just got dirty. You may need to spend a few days touching up your siding for the spring.

Depending on the extent of damage, you can choose to put on a new coat of paint, repair the dents and cracks or pressure wash. Most problems with sidings are caused by accumulation of dirt and debris so your best option, however, will be to clean and make quick repairs.

Pressure washing provides an efficient way to restore your siding. Be aware though that using cold water will not get everything off. You will need to manually wash those areas that have accumulated mold, mildew or debris. It’s better to use hot or warm water when pressure-washing the siding.

Repair your paint –

If it has been a while you painted, now may be a good time to do so. Your walls are probably looking old and worn out, and a fresh coat of paint will give them life, making them look new and modern.

Think about completely changing your color scheme to give your home a different look. If your plan is to paint a small part of your home such as a couple of rooms, you can set out a few hours to do this. However, if you intend to paint the entire house, an expert will give you a more professional job.


With spring fast approaching, there’s no better time to carry out some much needed improvements in your home. Some of these tips are easy, you can do them yourself. But make sure to plan ahead, and have enough to cover your budget so you don’t get stuck midway.