Five ways to remove rubble from a construction site

A mess of rubble is inevitable at the beginning of any construction project, no matter what the construction site may be. It can be natural material or even an old building that has been destroyed or designated for renovation. One of the first challenges, then, is determining exactly how to clear this rubble from a construction site.


One of the most pre-emptive ways to clear rubble from a construction site is to avoid putting it there in the first place. Part of the preparation process for a construction site is the acquisition of the materials needed for the project. However, many construction sites are left with materials that were ordered but never used by the end of the project. This is then extra rubble that will need to be removed as well.


In line with avoidance, if there is leftover material adding to the rubble, reusing and recycling those materials is an efficient site clearance solution. Leftover material such as timber and bricks can be utilised for additional projects on the site or on other sites in order to save on costs and prevent waste. Seemingly useless rubble could also be compacted and used for landscaping – like filling the hole left by a swimming pool.


If, however, prevention and recycling are not viable options, skips can be utilised for clearing rubble from a construction site. Skips are available in various shapes and sizes that from suppliers. Once the skip arrives, the construction crew can fill it with rubble and then simply call for it to be collected and disposed of responsibly.


Another effective site clearance method involves the use of tippers. For this method the construction crew uses equipment like spades and scoops to pick up debris and drop it into the tipper. Once filled, the tipper can drive to a legal dumping site and tip out the rubble.

Grab Lorries

For large-scale construction site clearance, another alternative is grab lorries. They are efficient and economical, ranging in size from four- to eight-wheel trucks for carrying many tons of rubble from a construction site. Grab lorries function with hydraulic loading cranes which saves on labour by removing the need for more people or equipment for loading rubble.