Extend the Life of Your Garage Floor with Epoxy

Garage floors see a variety of chemicals, materials and work. Whether you work on your car, store tools or household paint in your garage, there is always a chance of a spill. One easy way to extend the life of your concrete floor is to add garage floor coating Chicago. There are a variety of options available.


One of the most popular options is an epoxy floor coating. Relatively easy to install, the coating resists spills, stains, and chemicals. If it does crack, usually you can remove a patch and resurface it for a uniform look. A major benefit is that epoxy is a very affordable option and comes in a variety of colors, shines and patterns. Most coatings resist slips or can be easily texturized to avoid falls. For more information on the commercial application of epoxy on concrete floors, see the balance small business.


Floor tiles may be an alternative to using a garage floor coating in Chicago. This may be a more expensive option that is harder to install. Garage tiles are available in flexible plastic and rubber, wood composite and rigid plastic. Covering the floor of your garage does not address serious concerns such as deep cracks or foundation shifts.


Latex paint is available for garage floors, but often it does not have the lasting power of epoxy. Some may refer to epoxy as paint, but it is not. Paint for your garage floor is slightly different than that for the walls of your house. Often you can customize the color of the paint before applying. The process is fairly simple and affordable but needs to be applied more often than epoxy. Use more than one coat to cover large stains and surface cracks.

Don’t just be satisfied with plain concrete with the cracks and stains visible. Customize the look of your garage floor with an affordable, durable and easily applicable coating. Extend the life of your floor and get the most out of your garage.