How much do granny flats cost in Australia


Granny Flats don’t cost a thing.

A few years ago, I decided to move to Australia. I was going through a mid life crisis at the time, mental stagnation, inability to concentrate and focus, I needed an immediate change and I needed it fast.

Australia is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The amazing greenery, the picturesque landscapes, and the modern old-fashioned nature of the people, create an amazing balance, and an appreciation for life.

It was during my search that I stumbled across the granny flats concept. Houses are relatively expensive in Australia, but the salary structures more than compensate for this.

Granny flats Australia create an affordable way of owning a home. The kitchens and bathrooms are usually the standard costs of a generally sized house. The interiors, although more compact, are designed symmetrically, so much so that they hold a lot, and still leave you wrapped in so much room, as you comfortably move around.

Granny flats in Australia are generally self contain built, intricately designed with its own entrance, laundry room, bathrooms and so much more. Granny flats are used for various purposes, including recreation, home offices, additional rental income, and so on.

A recent survey showed that a third of homeowners in Australia, are also considering following this trend and adding granny flats to their establishments. Granny flats Australia are usually allotted 60 square feet or under by the regulating bodies, even though porches may sometimes take extra space. The approval period is generally between one to two months, provided that all the necessary criteria are met.

Most granny flats located close to schools, are always considered first before houses and other apartments. With an average monthly rent price of 1,200 Australian dollars, its geometric growth in demand is understandable.

I would say that you ensure the quality of building material meet Australian regulation standard. The average building cost of a granny flat, is set at $2000 per square meter. So doing a quick math calculation, 60 multiplied by 2000 is equal to 120, 000. It would generally cost about 120,000 dollars to build a two-bedroom granny flat.

I initially started out by renting a granny flat. I was fortunate enough to find one close to my university, as I had moved also for educational purposes. During this period, I fell in love with not just its affordability, but also its simplicity. In a few weeks, my very own granny flat here in Australia will be completed, and I will also be a proud owner of one of these very trendy solutions to affordable accommodation.